Serious wealth demands serious attention.


Our affluent clients wish to preserve their assets, manage risk and minimize taxes and they expect a high level of precision, accuracy and attention to detail. With this top of mind, based upon each client’s unique goals, we deliver disciplined, investment portfolios, comprehensive Wealth Plans and consummate service. Our expertise and advice can help you to enjoy and simplify your wealth.
We serve a diverse group of unique clients by tailoring our services and approach to address their unique needs:



Engineers are very detail-oriented and enjoy being involved in their account particulars. It is paramount to keep careful track of their investments, contact them if they want reminders of matters we have discussed, and maintain absolute accuracy in their statements.


Medical professionals

Medical professionals are very busy and appreciate that we get straight to the point, respect their time constraints and accommodate early-morning and late-day meetings.


Accountants are very detail-conscious. Vidhu Khosla is DWealth Certified and works well with Deloitte partners and other accounting professionals. Bearing in mind their restricted entities and the importance of satisfying compliance regulations with meticulous care, she can help them to avoid exposure to risk.

Seniors and women

Seniors and women who have never had to manage money before appreciate our empathetic and sensitive guidance. It is a great privilege to earn their trust by listening attentively, clarifying complex investment concepts into easy terms, and helping them to feel empowered and informed about their wealth.

Click here to schedule a private consultation.