Physicians have a unique business model. You are deeply entrenched in your practice and you do not have the time or knowledge to manage complex financial scenarios. You need astute advice from an attentive advisory team that can synthesize the relevant information for you throught your career lifecycle. A specialist appreciates a specialist. As the saying goes, "you don’t go to three different doctors, give them one third of the symptoms and expect a full diagnosis". The same is true for wealth management: it is best to work with a team that can manage all your needs with a cohesive approach.
Build a comprehensive wealth plan that grows with your needs.
Set up a smart cash flow strategy.
Structure your finances – e.g., take out a salary and a dividend.
Manage medical school debt.
Run your practice like a business in the most efficient way to ensure it works for you and your family. (Like most business owners, physicians often neglect this.)
Manage your portfolio proactively to account for near term cash flow requirements.
Become a very good steward of your assets and build lasting wealth with intergenerational strength.
Learn how to evaluate your performance statements.
Understand the markets to the extent that you have time and interest to do so.
Unlike traditional business owners, physicians cannot easily measure the value of their practice and sell it. We help you answer questions such as How to divest? When? When should I retire, how can I transition my wealth to support my charitable aspirations? Your career is demanding, so I respect your precious time and offer convenience : we use Microsoft Teams and other remote video conferencing and get down to business right away.