
In order to give you a better idea of the various aspects of my professional services, I thought it would be a good idea to send you this brief summary. I am sure that you have been approached from all sides by many different representatives of our industry, and it is certainly not an easy task for any investor when the time comes to compare their services. I hope that this document will help you to get a better idea of who I am and serve as a springboard toward building the right chemistry for an excellent business relationship.


I firmly believe that one of the biggest challenges in financial planning is to find your own path. It has been regularly proven that future retirees, and those who have just begun this phase of their lives, will live longer than the previous generations, be healthier and enjoy more recreation. With this in mind, individual long-term financial sustainability is critical if you want to effectively prepare for your needs and all those unforeseen financial circumstances.


One of the most important ways to achieve this is an opened, steady and supportive communication with individuals who are concerned about the success of their clientele. With seventeen years of experience in the field and the support of a team that has unsurpassed expertise, my ultimate goal is to offer you financial assistance that will give you the peace of mind of a well-deserved retirement.


One of this website tabs, entitled "Our team,” introduces the people who work with me. All of these people share the one and only goal of fully satisfying you with their highly-specialized financial assistance. This includes portfolio building and succession planning, and making sure that everyone has an updated road map, which is based on a personalized analysis of your retirement that takes your goals and expectations into account.


Life is a journey. Would you dare to venture off into the unknown without a map that shows you the right path? In that respect, our pre-requisite for providing each client with an analysis of their retirement is to help them reach their objectives by giving them a tool that will become their road map, which they will need to find their way.


Naturally, we feel it is really important to create the right profile for a client when building his or her portfolio. Not everyone has the same tolerance to risk, investment horizons and knowledge. In fact, one of the hardest decisions for investors to make is how to distribute their investments between the various types of assets. Since emotion is one of the greatest enemies of the investor, our assistance becomes key to creating a comprehensive structure for rational behaviour, where the lure of gain and the fear of loss have no place.


Professional portfolio management with the assistance of recognized managers is also one of the major specialties of our team. This type of investment approach is also discussed more in depth in the Networth Professional portfolio management section of the Publication tab on the Website. Our approach has enjoyed a great deal of success over many years in the industry.


Because I truly respect my clientele, have an especially sharp attention to detail and am a hardworking professional who is very proud of his job, I am convinced that I can provide reliable support for you and your family.


This is my pledge.


Nothing is more important to me than the trust and confidence obtained from a new or existing client.


Current and future clients who put their trust in me are the best part of my job. As Aristotle said, excellence is not an act, but a habit. My team and I aspire everyday to make excellence our habit.


Sincerely yours,


Marc Vaillancourt