BMO Business Transition Summit (Replay)

BMO Business Transition Summit, Planning for the future

Part 1: Transition Planning - A Holistic Approach

76% of family business owners plan to exit in the 10 years, yet only 30% have any transition plan. This session looks at parallel planning for personal and business objectives, as well as the common mistakes that occur and which can be avoided.

Part 2: The Sale Process and the Value of Your Business


This session highlights some of the key topics and decisions which you, your family, and your management team will make, before, during and after the sale of your business. Topics include types of buyers, sale process considerations, and valuation parameters.

Part 3: Managing Family Dynamics Through a Business Transition

In planning a business transition, the first sale is to your family members. Preparing your family for the sale of the business is as important as the technical and financial planning needed, whether you are transitioning the business within the family or externally to an outside buyer. Structure the sale for success by considering the immediate and generational impact on the family enterprise.

Part 4: Taxation and Legal Considerations: Effectively Transitioning Your Company For Transition

When you sell or transition your business you may face a significant tax bill. Our experts will discuss the importance of structuring your company well in advance of a potential sale or transition from both legal and taxation perspectives to maximize the after-tax benefits and achieve your other goals and objectives